Originally introduced two years ago, the Bellows Shad started its legacy as a tournament-winning bait, and now the Geecrack Bellows Shad Floating Elastomer emerges as the next iteration proudly brought...
Designed in conjunction with world renowned crappie angler, Ty Kleeb, the 6th Sense Curly Clobber Grub offers a unique design that perfectly imitates baitfish and helps increase your hook up ratios....
The patented Shiver Shot is one of the best options made for finesse fishing. We inject the Shiver Shot with less salt than our other products to give it positive...
Crafted with an advanced design, the 4" Lake Fork Live Swim’n Slug offers a deadly combination of action and profile that is sure to make fish hungry. Featuring Lake Fork’s patented Swim...
PowerBait MaxScent line of baits release a super-charged scent field attracting fish in a way never before seen. This all-new material is perfect for finesse presentations with ultra-realistic texture and...
Designed to dart and glide through the water, imitating a fleeing baitfish, the Damiki Armor Shad features a ribbed jerkbait body for a larger profile and increased flexibility. The Armor...
Designed to pair perfectly with the Z-Man Micro Shadz Jigheads, the Z-Man Baby Ballers provide a natural minnow profile perfect for targeting crappie, but also perfect for panfish, trout, bass, perch, and more....
The Beast Coast Bladerunner is designed with the perfect profile to run behind your Jackhammer, or any other bladed jig that you might prefer. The Bladerunner will kick out when...
Featuring a highly natural and streamlined baitfish profile, the Deps Frilled Shad uses a pronounced collared construction to produce a shivering swimming action and twisted body roll. Ideal for clear water or...