Renowned throughout Japan for their undeniable quality, Evergreen International has teamed-up with Elite Series angler Brett Hite to develop their first stateside rod series – the Evergreen Brett Hite Combat Stick Casting...
When your day on the water calls for chasing picky bass stacked up on offshore structure, tie on the Evergreen CR 13 Crankbaits and cast your line with the confidence...
Perfected by some of the finest craftsmen in the industry to comb the deepest honey holes in your waterways, the Evergreen CR 16 Crankbaits will help haul scale-busting bass up...
Haunting the midwater column with exacting visual details and frenzy-inducing action, the Evergreen CR 8 Crankbaits are born out of years of research that has translated into one of the...
Setting a global standard for jerkbaits, the Evergreen FA Jerkbaits 115mm was designed with input from Bassmaster Elite Series standout Morizo Shimizu and is a great choice for imitating wounded forage. A...
Designed with the input of Bassmaster Elite Series standout Morizo Shimizu, the Evergreen FA Jerkbaits 87mm provides an uncompromising search tool that sets the global standard for jerkbaits. Expertly crafted from end-to-end,...
A true “force” to be reckoned with, the Evergreen Flat Force 4 Crankbaits deliver a tight-wobbling action that appeals to light-feeding fish. Just over two inches in length, the Evergreen Flat Force...
Inspired by Evergreen staff member, Justin Kerr, the Evergreen Justine delivers a distressed baitfish presentation that excels around pressured and spooked fish. Completely silent, the Evergreen Justine draws inspiration from the balsa...
Inspired by Evergreen staff member, Justin Kerr, the Evergreen Justine delivers a distressed baitfish presentation that excels around pressured and spooked fish. Completely silent, the Evergreen Justine draws inspiration from the balsa...