The result of a dynamite collaboration between renowned crappie master Josh Jones and the innovative minds at 6th Sense, the 6th Sense Spangle Tinsel Jigs are comprehensively designed to be...
The 6th Sense Speed Glide 100 Swimbait was designed to be an all-purpose baitfish imitation. The natural action of the Speed Glide resembles a fleeing baitfish in distress and it can be retrieved in...
The 6th Sense Speed Wake Wakebait is the ultimate topwater presentation to mimic a fleeing bluegill or baitfish at high speeds. Built specifically for fishing fast, the 6th Sense Speed Wake...
When the fish have been highly pressured, they become finicky and often tend to short strike your lure, causing those key bites to be missed. The 6th Sense Spinnerbait Trailer Hook...
The 6th Sense Splash Back Popper will bring new life to your popper arsenal. By offering a fresh, innovative design and different shape, it will revolutionize your topwater fishing. The Splash Back utilizes...
The 6th Sense Splash Back Popper will bring new life to your popper arsenal. By offering a fresh, innovative design and different shape, it will revolutionize your topwater fishing. The Splash Back utilizes...
The 6th Sense STOUT Wide Gap Worm Hooks were designed with one main goal and that is to increase your catch ratio, period. Featuring ultra sharp dual-angled hook points, the...
Whether its shallow grass, shoreline brush, laydown logs, or deep hydrilla you’re targeting, the 6th Sense Stroker Craw is designed to be your go-to craw style bait when you are...
Designed to burn through heavy cover and rip through grass with increased efficiency, the 6th Sense Swank 66X Crankbait allows you to cover water with a new and completely unique presentation. Built...