The Arashi® Spinbait attracts wary suspended fish on the fall and during the retrieve with its delicate rolling action and revolving blades. Slow sinking - head down with a slight...
The Arashi® (a-ra-shee) Swimmer’s multi jointed construction delivers a life-like swimming action over a wide range of retrieve speeds. MODERATE SINKING RATE creates a stable action at faster retrieve speeds...
Storm Chug Bugs have been a favorite for many topwater fishermen for years and no wonder, with their proven fish-catching ability and versatility. These big popper baits can be twitched and...
Swims on both retrieve and free fall with an enticing slow body roll and exaggerated tail swing. Great shimmy and thump right out of the package Customize by cutting or...
One of the most fished soft plastics around began its life at Storm in 2002. The soft outer body, the holographic swimming’ flash foil and the I-bolt secured holographic “WildEye”...