"The Hangover," developed by swimbait specialist Ben Milliken, is the culmination of expert craftsmanship and advanced fishing technology. At 6.25 inches, this swimbait features a trio of internal weight systems...
The 6th Sense Movement 80X Crankbaits are designed for crashing through thick shallow cover, ripping out of grass, cranking rocks, or just burning in open water. They feature 6th Senseâs...
Crafted to meet the demands of anglers who wanted a crankbait that actually "hunts" straight-out-of-the-box. The 6th Sense Movement L7 Squarebill actually swims left-to-right with an âSâ type hunting action on the...
  The Panorama brings forth innovation and realism in a category soon to be a staple in the industry. The 6th Sense Lure Lab set out to create the most realistic...
The 6th Sense Quake Lipless Crankbait has an action unlike most typical lipless crankbaits on the market. Utilizing a duel flat back design, it has two flat spots that grab more water and...
The 6th Sense Quake Lipless Crankbait has an action unlike most typical lipless crankbaits on the market. Utilizing a duel flat back design, it has two flat spots that grab more water and...
Taking a whole new approach to the lipless crankbait, the 6Â Sense Quake Suspending Lipless Crankbait delivers the same great action at the original Quake Lipless Crankbait but now with the...
Offering a thumping sound unique to any other lipless crankbait on the market, the 6th Sense Quake Thud Lipless Crankbait is built with a custom weight chamber that produces an intense single knocking...
Offering a thumping sound unique to any other lipless crankbait on the market, the 6th Sense Quake Thud Lipless Crankbait is built with a custom weight chamber that produces an intense single knocking...